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Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

My lovely Banyumas

Hi ..it’s my first blog .. I'm from Indonesia,, precisely in Banyumas, Central Java, I live in a beautiful neighborhood with a cultural style that is still strong, with a variety of local arts, including performing arts, music and dance. Among the performing arts located in Banyumas, among others:
• wayang kulit gagrag Banyumas (Puppet Banyumas gagrag skin), which is typical Banyumasan leather puppet art. There are two gagrak (style), the South Mountain and Gragak Gragak north Mountain. The specificity of shadow play is a breath sociality gragak Banyumasan is so thick in the show.
• Begalan, is the art of traditional speech at the wedding ceremony. This art kitchen equipment that has a symbolic meaning contains the philosophy of Java for the bride in the marriage later.

Banyumas traditional musical art also has its own uniqueness compared with other Javanese musical arts, including:
• Calung, is a musical instrument made of bamboo strips are laid crosswise and is played by being hit. Banyumas typical music device made of bamboo wulung (black) similar to Javanese gamelan, consisting of barung xylophone, xylophone successor, dhendhem, kenong, gongs and drums. There was also Gong Sebul so named because it sounds like a gong issued but is played by blowing (Java Language: disebul), the tool is also made of bamboo with a large size. In a presentation accompanied by a vocalist calung commonly called sinden. Presented as a musical arranger-gending gending Banyumasan, gending Banyumasan style, Surakarta, Yogyakarta and are often served pop songs are re-arranged.
• Kenthongan (some called tek-tek), is a musical instrument made of bamboo. Kenthong is the main tool, a piece of bamboo which were elongated hole is played by his side and hit with a short wooden stick. Kenthongan played in groups of about 20 people and is equipped with drum, fife, and led by a majorette kecrek. In one group kenthongan, Kenthong used to produce some kind of harmonious sound.
• Salawatan Java, which is one of Islam breathed musical art form of music with the Javanese flying. In the performing arts presents songs taken from the book of litany.
• bongkel, which is a kind of traditional angklung music equipment, but consists of four blades barreled slendro. A number of typical dances Banyumasan include:
• Lengger, is a dance that is played by two or more women. In the middle of the show comes a male dancer called badhud (clown / bodor). This dance is usually performed on stage and accompanied by musical instruments calung.
• sintren, is a dance performed by men who wear women's clothes. This dance is usually attached to the art ebeg. In the middle of the show are usually players crushed with a mortar and put into a cage, the cage where he dressed up as women and dance with the other players.
• aksimuda, the Islamic form of martial arts breathing combined with dance.
• nod, the art of Islam breathed dance. Art was done by eight players, which at the end of the
show player unconscious.
• aplang or Daeng, which is similar artistry with a nod, with young women players.
• bean, which is a blend between art music and dance played by eight people. This art angklung musical accompaniment.
• ebeg, is a typical kuda lumping (horse puppets who made’s from cow skin). The show is accompanied by a gamelan called bendhe
 Banyumas, is a district in Central Java province. The capital is Purwokerto. This district borders on the north Brebes; Purbalingga, banjar negara, and Kebumen in the east, and Cilacap in the south and west. Slamet mountain, the highest mountain in Central Java are at the northern end of the district.
Banyumas is part of the Banyumasan culture, which flourished in the western part of Central Java. The language spoken is the language Banyumasan, which is one of the Java language dialect is quite different from the standard dialect of the Java language ('dialect Mataraman ") and dubbed" ngapak language "as the hallmark of the sound / k / a full read at the end of words (as distinct dialect Mataraman which read as glottal stop 
Banyumas also has many natural attractions that are still beautiful, of which there are Baturaden and waterfall (waterfall) Cipendok and the most special is the typical food where I live, there mendoan, chips, getuk fries, soup, etc.. Culture
There are still much to me for about banyumasku beloved .....

See you next post...

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